Four Czech organizations and UNDP implement innovative projects together with partners from Moldova

Four groundbreaking solutions are set to revolutionize Moldova’s development landscape, thanks to the Czech Innovation Fund, a collaboration between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Czech Foreign Affairs Ministry. With each project receiving up to $40,000 in funding, the initiatives are slated for completion by November 2024.

The Czech Innovation Fund aims to introduce innovative methodologies and Czech expertise to address Moldova’s developmental challenges, thereby contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Among the selected projects for financing in 2024, Caritas Czech NGO, in partnership with local authorities from Bilicenii Vechi village, will pioneer a rainwater collection system to bolster the village’s resilience to natural disasters and foster sustainable development. Meanwhile, the collaboration between Big Terra Czech company and the National Association of Rural Development from Moldova will explore regenerative vine-growing techniques, enhancing the resilience and sustainability of Moldova’s viticulture amidst climate challenges.


Addressing the management of protected areas with limited resources, Czech NGO Arnika, in tandem with BIOTICA Public Association, will modernize networks and promote environmental governance. Additionally, the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic’s Institute of Experimental Botany will collaborate with researchers from Moldovan State University to analyze the transcriptome of pathogen-resistant tomatoes, leveraging DNA sequencing technology to replicate resistance across various tomato genotypes.

“We are delighted to implement projects with significant potential, beneficial for both countries across multiple sectors, ultimately enhancing the lives of local communities. Green technologies and climate change adaptation have been given special attention, recognizing their increasing impact on our lives,” noted Jana Kostrounova, the representative of the Czech-UNDP Partnership for SDGs at the UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and Central Asia.

The UNDP-Czech Republic partnership extends support to innovative solutions utilized by private enterprises, NGOs, universities, governmental bodies, research centers, and individuals in the Czech Republic. The Czech Innovation Fund’s projects focus on addressing specific developmental challenges in six partner countries, including Bosnia & Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, Ethiopia, Cambodia, and Zambia. Financial backing for implementation is provided by the Czech Foreign Affairs Ministry. In Moldova, the Czech Innovation Fund has already catalyzed 21 impactful projects.

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