Category: EU4MOLDOVA

(VIDEO) Victor Scutaru from Edinet built a photovoltaic park for his 80 ha of modern orchards

Victor Scutaru from Edinet opened a fruit-growing business in 2003. Now, the entrepreneur owns 80 ha of modern apple and cherry orchards, and recently, thanks to financial support from the European Union,...

The Council of Europe experts request that governance in Moldova improve access to official documents

The Council of Europe's expert group urges Moldova to improve certain aspects of legislation regarding access to official documents. It pertains to the Access Info Group (AIG) of the Council of Europe,...

(VIDEO) Igor Shishianu from Cantemir renounced a career in IT and opened a carpentry workshop in the city

Igor Shishianu, a native of Cantemir, gave up a career in IT and now owns a carpentry workshop in the city. He obtained a European grant and used the money to buy...

The 660 thousand euros for strengthening Moldovan police capacities. The EU provides 40 Cars and 100 Body Cameras to IGP

Today, the General Police Inspectorate (IGP) received 40 vehicles and 100 body cameras from the European Union. This donation, worth 660,000 euros, was provided under an EU-funded project implemented by the International...

EU provides €9.5 million for energy efficiency improvements in the residential sector in the Republic of Moldova

Homeowners in the Republic of Moldova can significantly reduce their energy bills. The European Commission and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) today signed a declaration of intent to establish...
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The European Commission grants €72.5 million in financial support to Moldova

The European Commission is granting Moldova financial support worth 72.5 million euros. The Commission provided this support after concluding that Moldova had met the policy conditions agreed upon with the EU for...

Holland will continue to help Moldova on its European path

Holland will continue to help Moldova on its European path, supporting the consolidation of democratic institutions and economic development. It was assured by the new Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of the...

(VIDEO) The Antoci family returned from Italy to Falesti to realize their dream – a cow farm

The couple Lucia and Constantin Antoci from Falesti worked for many years in Italy but decided to return home to Moldova. In 2022, they decided to invest all the money they had...
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