Category: Elections

Starting today, candidates for the May 19 elections can submit their registration documents

The Central Election Commission has announced that the period for submitting documents to register candidates for elective positions in the electoral districts of the first level, where new and partial local elections...

Moldovan opinion is needed! Public consultations at CEC about registering to vote abroad

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) announces public consultations on the Regulation on pre-registration to vote abroad."The purpose of the draft decision is to establish the regulatory framework on the procedure, deadlines, and...

Grosu: Presidential elections and referendum will be held on the same day

In the opinion of the Speaker of Parliament, this is a sensible and convenient solution."It is reasonable there are two ballot papers, and I see no obstacles for a voter to vote...

Minister Andrei Spinu Declares PAS Victory in Nationwide Local Elections

In the wake of Sunday's local elections in Moldova, Andrei Spînu, the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, has proclaimed that the Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS) has emerged victorious across...

Ion Ceban Re-elected as Mayor of Chișinău According to Preliminary Results

According to the preliminary results presented by the CEC, after counting all the minutes, the MAN candidate, Ion Ceban, has obtained over 50.6% of the processed votes and will remain in charge...
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Surprising Voter Turnout at Moldova’s General Local Elections

At 9:00 PM, the polling stations opened for Sunday's general local elections have closed. The vote counting has now begun in the presence of accredited national and international observers. According to the...

Romanian PM Supports Western Values in Moldovan Elections

Yesterday, on November 5th, 2023, the Prime Minister of Romania, Marcel Ciolacu, focused his attention on the elections in the Republic of Moldova. He stated, "We need the localities in the Republic...

Central Election Commission Members Make Initial Statements

Angelica Caraman, the head of the Central Election Commission (CEC), reminds, during the first press briefing on Sunday, that all candidates from the "Șansă" Party have been removed from the electoral race,...
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