Moldova and the EU will sign an agreement in the security and defense sector


The Republic of Moldova and the European Union will conclude shortly a Security and Defence Partnership, which is “a political arrangement on enhanced cooperation in the sphere of security and defense,” in line with the objectives set out in our country’s National Security Strategy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) announced it.

According to the MFA, the Partnership will function as an umbrella arrangement for all interactions between the Republic of Moldova and the EU in areas such as EU assistance to strengthen the resilience of our country, cyber security, combating disinformation, assistance to the defense sector through the European Instrument for Peace, participation of the Republic of Moldova in EU crisis management missions, integrated border management.

“Most of the activities outlined by the Partnership are in practice, but establishing the Partnership will provide us with a foundation for more systematic cooperation with the EU. Based on this Partnership, the Republic of Moldova and the EU will conduct annual security and defense dialogues. Moldova and the EU will also be able to establish thematic dialogues on some areas of mutual interest. The Security and Defence Partnership document will not have the status of an international treaty. Political commitments will form the basis for it,” the MFA said.


The European Union is establishing such partnerships with several countries with which it has reached a more intensive cooperation level.