Two new TV channels will appear in Moldova


Two TV channels, Prima TV Moldova and Cinemaraton Moldova, will appear in our country. The Romanian Audiovisual Council has granted the authorization.

On Cinemaraton Moldova, the programming will feature a blend of 70% Romanian films and 30% Moldovan films. During a TV and Radio Council meeting, the representative of the TV channel noted the company’s endorsement by the Moldovan Ministry of Culture.

Currently, efforts are underway to digitize Moldovan content and locate the original soundtracks for films dubbed into Russian.

Prima TV Moldova intends to showcase programs previously aired across all TV channels within the Clever group, offering round-the-clock broadcasting.


Irina Radu, a representative of the TV channel, stated, ‘Prima TV Moldova serves as an aggregator of programs that we believe will resonate with audiences in Moldova.’

Clever Group, a prominent Romanian media conglomerate, oversees 16 TV channels predominantly focused on sports, education, and movies. Prima TV specializes in entertainment content, including reality shows.

While exact broadcasting commencement dates remain unspecified, negotiations with cable operators have taken place, with assurances of swift implementation.