The diaspora can register online to vote in the autumn presidential elections


Citizens of the Republic of Moldova with the right to vote who will be abroad on the day of the presidential elections and the constitutional republican referendum on 20 October 2024 can register in advance. The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) will launch the online application on Tuesday, 28 May.

“The application also contains the option to register for postal voting for voters. This alternative voting method will be in the USA, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and Finland.

Pre-registration is a procedure whereby Moldovan citizens with the right to vote who will be abroad on Election Day register in advance and voluntarily via the official website managed by the Central Electoral Commission or by written request, individually or as a group.


The pre-registration will establish the estimated number of voters who intend to vote abroad on Election Day to organize polling stations abroad. Pre-registration data is one of the complementary grounds used by the Central Electoral Commission to set up polling stations abroad,” Commission representatives say.

On 20 October, authorities invite Moldovans to the polls. Parliament has approved the date of the presidential elections and the referendum on the country’s accession to the European Union.

The current president, Maia Sandu, was sworn in on 24 December 2020 after winning the second round of the presidential elections on 15 November 2020.