The Chisinau Airport Concession: Maia Sandu and Dorin Recean called to testify in court


President Maia Sandu and Prime Minister Dorin Recean will be heard as witnesses in the case concerning the concession of the Chisinau International Airport. The court also accepted video recordings of the government meeting where the authorities voted on the concession as evidence.

Magistrates of the Chisinau Court, Buiucani seat, today admitted the request of former Prime Minister Iurie Leanca’s lawyer to hear as witnesses all the members of the Cabinet of Ministers who voted on the concession of the Chisinau International Airport after the judges had previously rejected these requests from the witnesses’ lawyers, according to

The airport concession case was restarted from scratch after a year of preliminary hearings following a February decision by the Superior Council of Magistrates. It ordered the specialization of the magistrates of the Chisinau Court to examine criminal cases sent to court by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office. Thus, the authorities replaced the original panel and resumed the examination of the case from the beginning. On 29 May, the parties resubmitted their requests to hear witnesses. The defendants requested the hearing of the entire cabinet of ministers and the persons involved in the concession approval.