(VIDEO) ANOFM offers support to find a safe and verified job

If you are looking for a job, ANOFM will be the right solution. The agency’s services are free of charge and are intended for job seekers (with and without unemployed status) and for employed people who want to change jobs.

In the video below, ANOFM advises jobseekers to contact one of the territorial subdivisions for employment (STOFM) to receive employment support.

National Employment Agency (ANOFM) specialists are friendly and ready to guide you to success. For more details, you can contact the Call Center of the ANOFM at 080001000 or visit the website Angajat.md.


This material and associated activities were realized within the project “Increasing Resilience through Employment and Social Cohesion,” implemented in the consortium by Helvetas Moldova and HEKS – HEKS – EPER Moldova, with the financial support of the Swiss Government (Swiss Cooperation in Moldova). The National Agency for Employment is a strategic partner in the project implementation.

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