
Nicu Popescu combats Russian propaganda: “Brussels is not forcing the recognition of LGBT+ marriages, but respect for diversity”

Former Foreign Minister Nicu Popescu, now a “distinguished fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations,” in a recent discussion with actor Catalin Lungu, a “master of arts,” fought Russian propaganda about the EU and sexual minorities. According to him, Brussels is not forcing the recognition of LGBT+ marriages but respect for diversity.

Nicu Popescu expressed his optimism about participation in the referendum in which citizens will choose whether EU membership is Moldova’s path for the coming years. It will be on the same day as the presidential elections – October 20, 2024. He also explained why Moldovans have vowed to join the EU.


At the end of January this year, Nicu Popescu resigned as the then-head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. Shortly after, the government announced that authorities announced MFAEI’s restructurization. Mihai Popsoi became head of diplomacy in Chisinau, while Cristina Gherasimov took over the European Integration Office, becoming deputy prime minister without portfolio and chief negotiator with the EU.

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