Moldovan grape producers are tapping Poland’s biggest agricultural markets

Five Moldovan grape producers participated in a trade mission to Poland, exploring two of the country’s largest agricultural markets: Bronize and Krakow.

Company representatives assessed prices, competition, and market structures during the visit. They also examined logistics infrastructure at Greenyard and Amplus, focusing on storage, packaging, and inventory management. “The B2B meetings with importers opened doors for new partnerships and offers for Moldovan grapes,” the participants noted.

At the Fresh Market Trade Show, Moldovan producers attracted the attention of major retail chains. These chains requested direct meetings with Moldovan producers, signaling a growing interest in the Polish market for the first time.


The mission, organized by the Association of Moldovan Grape Producers and Exporters with support from USAID Moldova, connected Moldovan producers with leading Polish retailers. According to the producers, Moldovan grapes are gaining recognition for their high quality and attractive packaging. Representatives from the Polish company AMPLUS will soon visit Moldova to explore further cooperation opportunities.

Exports of Moldovan table grapes to the European Union surged by 125% in the first eight months of 2024 compared to last year. Romania, Poland, Hungary, Latvia, and Croatia are the main EU destinations for these exports.

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