The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs: The Central European Initiative (CEI) launches a call for proposals for co-financing projects aimed at transferring best practices from EU member states

On September 24, 2024, in Chisinau, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the launch of a call by the Central European Initiative (CEI) for funding projects under the Know-how Exchange Programme (KEP) 2024. Through KEP, CEI supports projects in its member states, including the Republic of Moldova, aimed at exchanging best practices and transferring expertise between public and private sector institutions.

The projects funded by the CEI focus on enhancing cooperation between participating countries, emphasizing transferring and sharing best practices, especially from EU member states. Proposals should prioritize capacity building through knowledge transfer and exchange.

Who can participate?

Central, regional, and local public authorities, educational and research institutions, and non-governmental organizations.

What types of activities can be carried out?

Trainings, workshops, study visits, evaluation missions, assistance in developing strategic documents (such as development plans, strategies, studies, etc.), technology transfer, technical assistance, and more.

Basic conditions

Each proposal must involve at least two partners: one know-how provider from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, or Slovenia, and one beneficiary from Moldova.


Budget and Participant Contributions

The total indicative budget for the Call for Proposals is €400,000 (four hundred thousand Euros). Funding for projects cannot exceed 50% of the total project cost. Additionally, the maximum funding amount for a single project is €40,000.

Application Deadline: November 15, 2024

You can find detailed information about the conditions and application documents for the program at this link: Know-how Exchange Programme Application

Additional Information: The Know-how Exchange Programme (KEP) started in 2004 and helps institutions in EU member states share their expertise with partner countries. The program provides grants to institutions that want to share or receive knowledge from EU partners, supporting the alignment of policies with European standards. The Government of Italy funds the program through the ICE Fund at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

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