Veronica Dragalin, in an interview for Bloomberg: “We face corruption daily”

Veronica Dragalin, the head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA), spoke with journalists from the international publication Bloomberg about the significant challenges Moldova faces in combating high-level and systemic corruption. She highlighted that the country struggles with a shortage of qualified personnel and reforms to meet European standards, notably as Moldova works towards joining the European Union.

The chief prosecutor reiterated that some prosecutors resigned instead of undergoing the evaluation and integrity verification process, leaving the institution with only 36 prosecutors out of the 59 mandated by law.

”Systemic corruption is real, and we continue to face it every day,” said Veronica Dragalin, emphasizing the need to combat this phenomenon for the future of the Republic of Moldova.

In the interview, Veronica Dragalin also emphasized that things have started to improve: Moldova has risen 29 places in the Corruption Perception Index of Transparency International over the past two years.


In 2023, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office sent corruption cases involving 18 high-ranking officials to court and succeeded in freezing over 80 million euros in Banking Fraud cases abroad, including in France, Switzerland, and Romania.

You can read the full interview HERE.

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