In the first two quarters of 2024, the share of renewable energy in the Republic of Moldova remains modest, accounting for only 3.3% of the total delivered energy, equivalent to about 71 thousand MWh, according to a press release of SA Energocom. This amount comes from eligible producers who sell energy to SA Energocom, but other producers have contracts with different suppliers.
SA Energocom purchased 2,132 thousand MWh of electricity from domestic and imported sources. Most of the energy – 1,470 thousand MWh or 68.5% – was supplied by the Moldovan Thermoelectric Power Plant in the Transnistrian region. Thermal power plants in Chisinau and Balti contributed 409 thousand MWh, accounting for 19.1% of the total, while imported electricity amounted to about 194 thousand MWh (9.1%).

Energy imports came mainly from Romania and Ukraine, with a significant share of energy purchased on the Romanian OPCOM exchange to cover peak consumption, especially during hot periods when the demand for energy for air conditioners increased.
Although Moldova has increased its renewable energy capacity, its impact remains limited compared to the country’s total energy demand. In 2023, Moldova purchased about 81 thousand MWh from renewable energy producers. However, the contribution of renewables in 2024 shows no significant increase, emphasizing the need for further efforts to boost clean energy production in Moldova.