An anti-corruption court will be created in Moldova

The Presidential Administration reported that the Concept for the Creation of an Anti-Corruption Court had been developed and invited the public to voice their recommendations at this scene.

The new court will include up to 15 judges who will hear all cases of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office and all appeals against the documents of the National Integrity Authority, including claims for confiscation of unjustified assets.

According to the document published by the presidency, judges will be selected by the SCM based on merit, experience and impeccable reputation, and professional qualities and appointed by the president of the country.

Judges will have a 5-year mandate, a salary close to that of judges of the Supreme Court of Justice after the reform (about 45 thousand lei), state guards upon request, and service housing for those outside Chisinau. The court will begin its work when at least four judges are appointed.

The document also states that the judges of the Anti-Corruption Court will return to their previous positions after fulfilling their mandate in the new court.

The document also states that applicants for the position of judge of the anti-corruption court will apply for admission to state secrets simultaneously with registration in the competition. Denial of access to state secrets may serve as grounds for denial of appointment.

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