Dumitru Alaiba: Investments in industrial parks increased by almost one billion lei in just three years

In just three years, investments in industrial parks have increased by almost one billion lei – from 3.25 billion lei in 2021 to 4.14 billion lei in 2023.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization Dumitru Alaiba said that the increase is due to “the improved management of industrial parks, which has led to the optimization of processes, increased efficiency of their operation, and increased investor confidence.”

“Of course, there is still room to grow. The industry needs a strong stimulus. And we have a clear vision of what we have to do, outlined in the National Industrial Development Program for 2024-2028,” Alaiba said.


The minister also added that Parliament has approved a package of measures to improve the operations of industrial parks.

“This will allow us to attract investments worth tens of millions of lei in the operating industrial parks to create this year two multifunctional investment sites in Ocnita and Glodeni districts and two technologically advanced industrial eco-parks,” Dumitru Alaiba stressed.

Currently, there are ten industrial parks in Moldova.

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