Germany proposes to open a migrant camp in Moldova

Germany’s opposition conservatives are seeking to win back voters with a sweeping change to the country’s immigration and asylum policy, including plans to send asylum seekers to Moldova, reports.

Jens Spahn, a leading member of the Christian Democrats (CDU), said at the weekend that his party was in favor of the transportation of future refugees to third countries for processing of asylum applications, such as Ghana and Rwanda in Africa, or to non-EU European countries such as Moldova and Georgia.

Spahn said: “Rwanda has said it would be prepared to do this, probably also Ghana. We should also be in talks about this with eastern European countries like Georgia and Moldova. If we ensure that persecuted people have a place of protection where they’ll be well looked after and can live without fear, then the goals of the Geneva Convention will have been fulfilled.”


This cannot be done if the country for expelling refugees is not recognized as safe. Therefore, last Friday, December 16, the German Bundesrat legislatively recognized Moldova and Georgia as “safe countries.”

The legislature stated that this decision would create a basis for signing migration-related agreements with both countries and expanding “existing good cooperation” in this regard.

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