Is an energy crisis looming? Moldova faces the threat of losing Gazprom deliveries starting January 1, 2025

Moldova might lose deliveries from Gazprom starting January 1, 2025. Authorities warn that the Russian giant might unilaterally terminate the contract with our country or halt gas transit through Ukraine.

Thus, the delivery of gas to the left bank of the Dniester remains uncertain. On the other hand, if the Cuciurgan power plant does not receive the blue fuel, the right bank of the Dniester will need to find alternatives for electricity supply, given the constant bombardments in Ukraine and the electricity shortage in that country.


“Even though the existing natural gas transportation infrastructure allows for transporting the necessary natural gas to cover the consumption of the Republic of Moldova (both banks), consumers on the left bank risk being unable to purchase natural gas at market prices. If necessary, JSC ‘Energocom’ can ensure the supply of the required natural gas to the categories of protected/vulnerable consumers in the Transnistrian region through LLC ‘Tiraspoltransgaz,’ provided that they make an appropriate advance payment for the costs of purchasing and transporting the natural gas,” states a document prepared by the Ministry of Energy.

The authorities are crafting a plan of measures and assert that, if they put it into action, they will prevent consumers from being disconnected from energy sources.

To mitigate the impact of potential energy crises, the Government plans to create natural gas reserves, continuously analyze and monitor the market situation, and increase the electricity supply from Romania and the EU. The authorities also intend to diversify gas procurement sources and promote energy efficiency measures. Additionally, Termoelectrica might operate on a 50% oil and 50% gas basis in the upcoming heating season.

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