MFAEI: EU accession talks to start with justice reform chapter

The first chapter of the 35 acquis communautaire, on which Moldova will be oriented in the process of negotiating its accession to the European Union, is aimed at justice reform, State Secretary of the Foreign and European Integration Ministry Cristina Gerasimov said in the “Paralela 47” program on Radio Moldova. She said that by the end of 2024, Moldova has set as its goal the completion of the process of legislation verification and the opening of the Bureau for European Integration, radiomoldova reports.

*Acquis communautaire – a set of principles, rules, and norms to which the European Union adheres and which each candidate country must implement within the state.

“We will start with Chapter 23 on justice and fundamental rights. This will be the first chapter we will open. This chapter was one of the last to be opened in previous cases. For us, for Moldova, it will be the first chapter. This decision of the European Commission was a reaction to many judicial developments that took place in the new member states that have joined recently. To have the opportunity to open the next chapters, we have to demonstrate real results, namely in the field of justice and fundamental rights,” the MFAEI representative said.


The Government decided to create within the State Chancellery a Bureau for European Integration. It will be headed by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. The activities of this new institution will focus on the internal management of the accession process, including the coordination of the harmonization of national legislation with the acquis communautaire.

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