Moldova and Poland signed a memorandum on cooperation in the field of cybersecurity

Prime Ministers of Moldova and Poland Dorin Recean and Mateusz Morawiecki signed a memorandum on cooperation in the field of cybersecurity. After the official ceremony, they held a press conference.

“We understand the threats posed by Russian hybrid warfare: gas blackmail, energy attacks and propaganda. Both countries are facing the effects of war”, – Morawiecki said.

Recean emphasized that Moldova and Poland are connected by centuries-old experience of cooperation.

“We intend to continue cooperation between Moldova and Poland, primarily in the field of agriculture and transport. We talked about the fact that Poland is among the ten most important countries for Moldova’s foreign trade. We invited Poland to analyze investment opportunities in the Republic of Moldova in the field of energy, industrialization of agriculture, as well as digital services”, – Recean said.

He also announced that the Polish airline LOT will expand its activities in Moldova.

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