Parlikov in Brussels: The principle of “energy efficiency first” will be applied throughout the economy

Moldova intends to promote a competitive and sustainable energy sector integrated into the European energy markets, thus ensuring energy security and affordable prices for consumers. Energy Minister Victor Parlicov stated this in Brussels during the 8th Moldova-European Union Association Council meeting.

“Moldova will contribute to strengthening the regional energy security, as well as the integration of energy markets through active participation in the North-South gas corridor and through the construction of new 400 kV interconnections with Romania and, consequently, with the EU,” Victor Parlicov said at the meeting of the Moldova-European Union Association Council.

Parlicov emphasized that the priorities in the energy sector are related to the promotion of energy efficiency, increase in the capacities of cross-border interconnections of electricity and natural gas, diversification of energy supply sources, and use of the potential of locally generated renewable energy sources. 


The Minister said that the principle of “energy efficiency first” will be applied throughout the economy, and renewable energy utilization will contribute to economic growth and enhance the impact of measures to reduce climate change.

The energy minister, together with Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gerasimov, Foreign Minister Mihai Popsoi, and Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Oleg Serebryan, participated in a joint discussion on the topic of energy security in the Transnistrian region.

With the contract on the transit of Russian natural gas through Ukraine expiring, Victor Parlicov emphasized the need to maintain stability in the Transnistrian region. He stated that the right bank would not hinder gas supplies from Gazprom to the left bank of the Dniester even after the expiration of the transit contract, but if it is impossible to transport the gas from the east via the traditional route, an alternative route, such as the vertical corridor recently joined by the Republic of Moldova, would have to be found.

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