Students from the Moldovan diaspora visited the Parliament: what Igor Grosu told them?

The parliamentary session hall on August 16 looked completely different. All the parliamentary seats were occupied by 100 schoolchildren from Moldova who live abroad. Speaker Igor Grosu wrote about this on his Facebook page.

The schoolchildren came to participate in the camp “D.O.R.” (Diaspora. Origins. Returns) camp, which takes place these days.

“The children were curious to know about a politician’s studies, career, daily activities, and regrets. I told them that there is no deputy faculty, but to be a good MP, you need to be active in the society you are in, be empathetic and communicative, and the most important quality is, to be honest with people. I was happy to see so many interested, resourceful young people who, even living in another country, speak excellent Romanian, and I am sure that they are our future,” Igor Grosu wrote.

At the same time, the prime minister specified that he talked to the children about the most emotional bill voted for recently, namely the Romanian language. They also discussed integration into the European Union.

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