Switzerland allocates 2 million dollars to Moldova to support agriculture

Switzerland is increasing its assistance to Moldovan agriculture. Through the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Switzerland will provide financial support of about $915,000 to improve food security and sustain cattle herds in households affected by recent droughts, which have severely reduced maize harvests—the main source of livestock fodder.

This budget increase will expand the number of beneficiaries from 12,000 to 17,000 small farmers and households, who will receive concentrated fodder for milking cows, alfalfa seeds, corn, and fertilizers.

“By diversifying agricultural production and increasing access to quality fodder, farmers could produce more healthy and nutritious food for consumption and sale. This will help reduce poverty and improve living standards in rural areas,” explains the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.


The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation is also adding $1,155,000 to the funds allocated to the project “Emergency Support for Agricultural Producers in the Context of the Socio-Economic, Climate, and Energy Crisis.”

This project, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization and the United Nations Development Programme, was launched in 2022 with an initial $2 million contribution from the Austrian Development Agency. In November 2023, Switzerland contributed an additional $2 million to the project.

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