Tag: Domnica Manole

Reconsidering the case, Domnica Manole may receive 2.5 million lei

The president of the Constitutional Court, Domnica Manole, may receive about 100,000 euros (1.9 million lei) from the state.The Supreme Court of Justice granted Manole's request for the case concerning her resignation...

The President of the Constitutional Court of Moldova addressed the opening of the XIX Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts

In a state governed by the rule of law, the institution of the Constitutional Court (CC) is the most suitable to ensure the observance of the principles of balance of power and...

The judge of the Constitutional Court won the case in the European Court of Human Rights. How much should Moldova pay her?

Domnica Manole, currently a Constitutional Court (CC) judge, wona case against Moldova. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled that the Moldovan authorities violated her rights to freedom of expression by...


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