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Deputy Prime Minister Mihai Popsoi met with Seán Ó Fearghaíl, President of the Irish House of Representatives, in Dublin

On July 26, 2024, in Dublin – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mihai Popsoi met with Seán Ó Fearghaíl, President of the Irish House of Representatives.The discussions centered on...

The pride of Moldova: Discover the two swimmers heading to the Olympic Games

Tatiana Salcutan and Pavel Alovatki are the two athletes who will compete in the swimming competition to represent the Republic of Moldova at the Paris Olympic Games.Tatiana Salcutan is the athlete who...

Pupils from Moldova won silver, bronze, and honorable mentions at the International Mathematics Olympiad

The Republic of Moldova Olympic Team won one silver medal, two bronze medals, and two honorable mentions at the International Mathematical Olympiad, held in Bath, UK, July 11-22, 2024.Marius Cerlat won the...

Export to a huge market! A strong international demand for our honey

Minister of Economy Dumitru Alaiba announced on Facebook that honey exports increased by 2.1 times. In the first half of 2023, Moldovan beekeepers exported 900 tons of honey, and by 2024, they...

Parliament will meet for a solemn session to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution

Parliament will hold a solemn session on Monday, July 29, at 11:00 a.m., to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution.The solemn meeting will bring together current and former...

Vlah: I am confident that Moldova should join the European Union, but it must not overlook the interests of its citizens

Irina Vlah, President of the "Platforma Moldova" Association, believes that the Republic of Moldova should become a member of the European Union. However, she emphasizes that even as a member, Moldova must...

The Republic of Moldova does not seek shortcuts to the EU. Gherasimov: “Romania stands by us every step of the way”

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Cristina Gherasimov, stated on Tuesday that her country will double its efforts towards EU accession in the coming period, expressing her conviction that...

Energocom starts preparing for winter: contract signed with Romanian gas storage facility

Moldova will accumulate until October 1 about 15 percent of its average annual natural gas consumption, which is in line with European practice.In figures, this means 102.4 million cubic meters of gas,...


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