The Competition Council demanded that the Chisinau airport administration clarify the controversial provisions of the tender


The Competition Council expressed doubts about the provisions specified in the terms of reference of the tender, calling them unclear and controversial. The organization sent a letter to the airport management, requesting clarifications on the conditions imposed on potential bidders. The request was made as early as February 2. The answer should be provided within five working days. It was published by blogger Eugene Lucianuc, reports.

The request says that it is necessary to present the study based on which the conditions were included in the terms of reference, the justification, and the economic and technical argumentation for the inclusion of the scandalous qualification conditions in the terms of reference. It refers to professional experience of at least seven years in the retail and catering sector in at least 10 EU airports with a passenger traffic of at least 2.5 million passengers in the last three years and management over the last five years of at least three retail outlets and three catering outlets in international airports with a passenger traffic of at least 2.5 million passengers in the last three years.

The competition authority also asked for arguments on the financial standing requirement that participants must have “a turnover of €30 million per year in the last three years.”


Another query to the Chisinau International Airport concerns the reasons for offering ten premises as a single lot instead of dividing them into ten lots. Another perplexity of the Competition Council refers to the absence of an obligation for the potential winner to invest in the modernization of the Chisinau International Airport. Finally, the company’s administration is asked to name the number of participants it expects in the tender. At the time, the airport administrator was Constantin Vozian, who resigned four days after receiving the request from the Competition Council. It is not known whether Voziyan has responded to the letter.

The provisions of the terms of reference cited by the Competition Council were criticized by lawyers, economists, and politicians, who said they were abusive and unexplained. They also called ridiculous the two weeks given to potential bidders to analyze the market and prepare an offer.

Despite all the criticism, the authorities retained the same provisions in the terms of reference for the second attempt to tender commercial space at the airport. Moreover, they included additional and equally questionable provisions. Recently, blogger Eugen Lukyaniuk published a letter from the German company Gebr. Heinemann. This letter also expresses bewilderment about the conditions for participation in the tender formulated in the terms of reference.