The USA became the top importer of Moldovan wine

In the first quarter of this year, the total volume of exports of alcoholic beverages from Moldova increased by 6.7% compared to the same period of 2023. It amounted to 57.06 million dollars, reports, citing data from the National Bank of Moldova.

The growth was due, in particular, to a 5.6-fold increase in supplies of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages to the United States.

In the first quarter, exports of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages to the United States amounted to 9.6 million dollars.


As a result, the United States became the top market for Moldovan alcohol, overtaking such traditional markets as Belarus, Ukraine, and Romania.

The source notes that Moldovan alcohol exports to the United States increased last year, from $1.6-1.7 million in the first and second quarters to about $4.9 million in the previous quarter.

At the same time, alcohol exports declined significantly in Kazakhstan – almost twofold, in Russia – two and a half times, and in Georgia – three and a half times.

As a result, Georgia and Russia are no longer among the top 10 markets for Moldovan alcoholic products.

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