“United for Moldova,” Recean reported to the MEPs the progress toward joining the EU

Moldova’s progress in the European integration process and the country’s development priorities were discussed by the Prime Minister with members of the “United for Moldova” network of European parliamentarians. Dorin Recean referred to the Government’s priorities to achieve the strategic objective of becoming part of the European family by 2030.

“I thank the European Parliament once again for the firm support of our country on the irreversible path to the EU. Moldova is focused on the implementation of economic recovery and development measures, which are important for ensuring the well-being of citizens and the integration of the Republic of Moldova into the European Union. We invest in developing infrastructure. We continue the justice reform and the fight against corruption”, said Prime Minister Dorin Recean.

The event was also attended by the Vice-President of the Parliament, Mihai Popșoi, who referred to the progress made by the authorities in the process of harmonizing national legislation with EU standards but also to the measures to counter Russian disinformation and other hybrid threats.

The “United for Moldova” network includes politicians, experts, and opinion leaders from EU member countries and the Republic of Moldova. The platform’s mission is to facilitate coordination and support on priority topics for our country, such as the EU integration process, the strengthening of Moldova’s regional and energy security, and the fight against corruption.

The network is managed by a Board of Directors consisting of three deputies from the European Parliament, three deputies from the parliaments of the member states of the European Union, and three deputies from the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. It is about: Andrius Kubilius (EPP), Siegfried Mureșan (EPP), Petras Austreviciuc (ALDE), Johannes Schraps (SPD – Germany), Valentina Martinez Ferro (PP – Spain), Gustaf Gothberg (Moderate – Sweden), Mihai Popșoi ( PAS), Doina Gherman (PAS) and Ina Coșeru (PAS).

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