(VIDEO) She realized her dream. Elena Ciornaia has a folk costume sewing workshop in Drochia

A young woman from Maramonovca, Drochia district, realized her dream of having her own tailor’s shop, and not just any tailor’s shop, but a sewing and embroidery workshop of traditional Moldovan and Ukrainian costumes. She realized her childhood dream with the help of a European grant through the East Europe Foundation.

“We sew traditional Moldovan and Ukrainian costumes because we are in a Ukrainian village. I like to promote traditions, even if it’s not about handwork but machines. It is the way the times have come now. With the help of machines, we can save time and create a lot of work,” said Elena Ciornaia, the workshop’s founder.

The young entrepreneur opened her business with the help of a €4,500 grant.


“Thanks to the East Europe Foundation, in collaboration with Sweden, we received a grant of €4,500 to open the business. This money was enough for everything you see here. I purchased sewing, stitching, and embroidery machines. I had to do my part, too, and buy a machine according to the conditions of this project. In this way, I realized my childhood dream because I have been passionate about sewing since childhood”, Elena added.

Elena Ciornaia’s story is part of the campaign launched by the REALITATEA Press Group: “Moldova Chooses Europe,” in which we tell about successful businesses launched in Moldova with financial support from the European Union.

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