Watchdog: Shor and Platon spend 25 thousand euros more on disinformation

Fugitive oligarchs Ilan Shor and Veaceslav Platon have stepped up their disinformation campaigns on social media. In an analysis by Community Watchdog, in June 2024, Ilan Shor and Veaceslav Platon spent an estimated €55,250 promoting falsehoods. Compared to April and May, the amount is €24,250 more.

META’s limited reaction has not stopped the spread of fakes on Facebook and Instagram. Blocking the pages of Ilan Shor, Marina Tauber, Eugenia Gutul, and Alexei Lungu has not delivered any visible results in combating disinformation. Instead, it has increased the number of anonymous pages sponsoring disinformation for huge sums of money, against which META is taking delayed action. Watchdog analysts reported it.

Despite the actions, the pages of members of the “Vozrojdenie” party, who, unlike Ilan Shor or Eugenia Gutul, openly promote hate and manipulative advertisements on their pages, remain active.


They promote manipulation messages like “Foreigners rule Moldova,” “Moldova does not negotiate on an equal footing with the EU,” “The ruling party will false elections in the fall,” and “Russia is the strategic partner of the Republic of Moldova.” The main aim of these sponsored campaigns is to sow panic in society, discredit the process of Moldova’s European integration, and whitewash Russia’s image.

You can find the full analysis here.

Meanwhile, several media companies complain that the META platform is deleting their social networks. It concerns general news content pages and websites specialized in investigative, political, economic, or economic news or analysis.

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