Zakharova warned Moldova about the “Kyiv scenario” in case of cooperation with NATO

Maria Zakharova once again decided to intimidate Moldova with cooperation with NATO. She again denigrated the work of the Alliance and affirmatively stated that “Westerners are sponsoring the regime in Chisinau.”

So the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry responded to the remark of the State Secretary of the Foreign Ministry, Ruslan Bolbochan, who, at the summit in Vilnius, announced the desire of the authorities to intensify political dialogue and practical cooperation with the North Atlantic Alliance.

“We have repeatedly expressed our position in connection with the ongoing provocative policy of NATO expansion, in particular, drawing Moldova into the alliance, despite the status of neutrality enshrined in the Constitution of the country. We record a consistent build-up of interaction between Chisinau and the Euro-Atlantic structures that are in power today,” Zakharova said.

The Russian official claims that Moldova can expect the Ukrainian scenario if the official Chisinau continues to act in the same spirit.

“It is the NATO countries that sponsor the Kyiv regime, sorry, not Kyiv, but the regime in Moldova. The reservation is precisely, in this case, legitimate because they are following the same path that the Westerners pushed the Kyiv regime to follow.”

The Russian official claims that cooperation with NATO is “evil” because the structure is aimed at “destroying statehood.”

“I would like to hope that the Moldovan politicians still realize that rapprochement with NATO not only does not add security but also entails a complete loss of sovereignty,” concluded Maria Zakharova.

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