38 years after the Chernobyl disaster: Maia Sandu’s message to Moldovans involved in the liquidation of the consequences

Thirty-eight years ago, the tragic accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was one of the most devastating man-made disasters of the 20th century. On the International Day of Commemoration of the victims of the Chernobyl disaster, President Maia Sandu expressed her gratitude to the Moldovans who participated in the liquidation of the radioactive hazard. More than 3,500 of our fellow citizens put their health and lives at risk to stop the spread of radiation, and today, half of them are no longer alive.

“We must honor the sacrifice and memory of the heroes and offer support to their families. Over the past three years, the government has increased allowances for participants in the consequences liquidation of the Chernobyl accident and indexed the annual material aid offered to them. By the end of this year, 80 participants’ families will receive free apartments from the state. In this way, we are fulfilling our commitment to build a society where people live in safety and well-being”, said the President.

The head of state also noted that the aftermath of the Chernobyl explosions and radioactive leakage serves as an example of the dangers of nuclear power and a reminder of the importance of international cooperation for the safe and peaceful use of nuclear technologies. And the war in Ukraine has brought the risk of a nuclear accident in the region back to the fore.


“The international community cannot accept this. That’s why we need stricter rules on nuclear safety and better cooperation in this area. We can have a peaceful and secure future if the country’s solidarity acts for the common good to protect people and the environment,” concluded President Maia Sandu.

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