Dorin Recean met with the new head of Romanian diplomacy: what was discussed?


The goals of the Moldovan-Romanian bilateral agenda in the fields of security, economy, and investment, as well as the support of the Romanian government in our process of accession to the European Union, were the topics raised at the meeting between Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Romanian Foreign Minister Luminica Odobescu, which is on an official visit to Chisinau.

Prime Minister Dorin Recean thanked the Romanian authorities for their continued support in mitigating the economic consequences of the unjust war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and for their professionalism and strong support to our country in achieving the European agenda. The head of the executive branch emphasized that economic development remains one of the government’s priorities, along with the implementation of the obligations assumed under the reform of the justice sector.

“We have to build a connecting infrastructure – roads, bridges, energy networks with Romania. Let’s create a common digital space for the inhabitants of both banks of the Prut. We are determined to maintain a favorable investment environment to attract even more Romanian investors,” said Prime Minister Dorin Recean.

The head of the Romanian diplomacy, Luminita Odobescu, reiterated the readiness of Bucharest to provide the necessary support in accelerating the process of European integration of the Republic of Moldova, including by continuing and expanding training courses for the central public administration on improving legislation by the Acquis communautaire.

“Continuity and support is the message of the Romanian government to the Republic of Moldova. We appreciate the progress made in adapting the reforms in justice, and the fight against corruption, which is visible both in Bucharest and Brussels. We are ready to offer the necessary expertise and advice in the process of adapting policies to implement the European vector,” said Minister Luminica Odobescu.

The officials also discussed aspects of organizing the fourth Moldova Support Platform, which will be held this year in Chisinau. Joint efforts were also noted for the successful organization of the Summit of the European Political Community, held on June 1 in the Republic of Moldova.