Adopted in first reading: how the “PATRIOT” Center will work?

In the Republic of Moldova, a Center for Strategic Communications and the Fight against Disinformation, known as the PATRIOT Center, will be created. The 56 deputies voted for the legislative initiative in the first reading.

“The Center for Strategic Communications and Fighting Disinformation will be tasked with strengthening cooperation between institutions in the fight against disinformation, information manipulation, and foreign interference that pose a danger or may harm national security and threaten the achievement of national interests. The institution will take the necessary measures to ensure the security of the information.”

Measures taken by the Center about other authorities and the private sector will be advisory. The Center will have the right to submit proposals to state authorities to change the regulatory framework and notify law enforcement agencies in case of violations of national legislation in this area.

“The Center for Strategic Communications and the Fight against Disinformation will be headed by a director appointed by the Parliament at the proposal of the President of the Republic of Moldova for five years. He will be selected during a public competition organized by the President of Moldova. The Director will be assisted by a Deputy appointed by the President at the proposal of the Director of the Center. At the same time for evaluating the activities of the Center will be created a Council. It will consist of 11 members appointed by state authorities and civil society.”

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