The EU is allocating 52 million euros to Moldova for its socio-economic development

The European Union offers the Republic of Moldova 53 million euros as budget support. Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița says that the money will be spent on infrastructure projects and to support the low-income population. According to the Chief Executive, the European Union will be with us during this difficult time. The Republic of Moldova has also been included on the European natural gas procurement platform, which will reduce energy dependence on Russia, IPN notes.

Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița says that during the support platform for the Republic of Moldova that took place in Berlin in April, the European Community offered the country both non-reimbursable financial aid and advantageous loans that will help overcome the economic crisis generated by the war.

“We have received 53 million euros from the European Union as direct budget support. This money can be used for investments, such as the European village project or road infrastructure. The money can also be used for vulnerable citizens who, due to rising prices, see a reduction in purchasing power. This budget support helps us to increase and index pensions. Such support tools are very valuable. Ten million euros will come from Romania as budget support. We also have loans such as the one from Poland, but it is granted on very advantageous terms, with an interest rate of 0.01%, and the repayment is over 20 years. It is also a very generous period of grace. Now we need tools that will allow us to get out of this economic crisis “, said Natalia GavriliČ›a during “Punctul pe Azi” from TVR Moldova.

The Prime Minister also said that in addition to the financial assistance provided, the European Community is ready to support the problems which the Republic of Moldova is facing in the field of energy and food security.

“We have been included in the common gas procurement platform and we look forward to seeing what the mechanism will be for the procurement, jointly with other European countries, of natural gas. We are also talking about eliminating export quotas, improving supply chains by liberalizing transport permits. We also want to help farmers. There is a crisis of fertilizers now all over the world. Because the countries that have energy resources also have fertilizers. We are looking for solutions in both the East and the West to obtain fertilizers. We are talking to Azerbaijan in this regard”, Natalia GavriliČ›a also said.

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Earlier, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry also mentioned that negotiations have begun with the Azerbaijani side on providing farmers in the Republic of Moldova with fertilizers from Azerbaijan. According to the Minister of Agriculture, in order to avoid an increase in prices for finished products, it is important for farmers to have fertilizers available at reasonable prices. From the final price of the products, the fertilizers have a share of 20%.

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