Strengthening Fraud Detection: Laura Codruța Kovesi’s Message to Moldova at EUROSFAT 2023


Laura Codruța Kovesi, the Chief Prosecutor of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, delivered a message to Moldova during the EUROSFAT 2023 forum. The official mentioned that in the coming years, Moldova is set to benefit from significant European funds, but authorities must be vigilant to prevent fraud.

Kovesi spoke about harmonizing national legislation with European laws and preventing corruption. According to her, authorities need to act collectively and exchange information.

“Moldova will receive substantial funding from the European Union budget in the coming years. It is our shared responsibility to track potential fraudsters. We must better detect fraud and exchange information as partners,” stated Laura Codruța Kovesi.

The EUROSFAT 2023 forum, themed “The European Union and New Horizons,” gathers European officials, experts from Romania and Moldova, discussing strategic directions for our country’s European integration, judicial reform, energy security, combating misinformation, geopolitical context, democracy, good governance, economic development, sustainability, and crisis resilience.


The event takes place on November 28 in Chișinău and between November 27-30 in Bălți, Ungheni, and Ceadîr-Lunga.