In Moldova a new Ministry for European Affairs will be created: who will head it?

A new Ministry for European Affairs will be created in Moldova. This was announced by Prime Minister Dorin Recean at the beginning of a government meeting on Wednesday, January 24.

“The European integration portfolio will be taken over by Cristina Gherasimov, who will head the Ministry for European Affairs and coordinate the work of the European integration Bureau,” the prime minister said.

Cristina Gerasimov held the posts of Secretary General of President Maia Sandu’s administration and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI).


Earlier, it became known that Mihai PopÅŸoi would head the Foreign Ministry. The decision was announced at a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, January 24, as Nicu Popescu announced his resignation.

At the same time, Popescu said he would continue to contribute to “the ruling team’s efforts to Moldova’s accession to the European Union.”

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