Dumitru Alaiba has announced the creation of a public system for company financial reports, claiming numerous benefits


Minister of Economy Dumitru Alaiba has announced the creation of an electronic system named the “Public Depository of Financial Statements.” The platform will facilitate the collection, processing, storage, analysis, and publication of financial statements, the management report, and the auditor’s report while ensuring data protection and security.

The Ministry of Economy states that the new system will increase transparency in the business environment. The information it provides on entities can benefit potential business partners, professional investors, the general public, and interested authorities. The initiative aims to align Moldova with European financial reporting practices.

“With the launch of the Warehouse, the National Bureau of Statistics offers 100% digital services to public services provided to entrepreneurs and citizens. This step represents a significant success in the digitization of public services for entrepreneurs, reaching 51%. However, our commitment does not end there. Moldova possesses talent and innovation, and by implementing digitization and reducing bureaucracy, we will make the country more business-friendly, “conveys Dumitru Alaiba.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Digitisation states that digitizing public services aims to eradicate corruption, decrease bureaucracy, and enhance efficiency. Officials aim to support businesses and improve access to government services.