Implementation of the Moldovan-German project “Dialogue on Agricultural Policy” started


The German government will support the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry in adjusting the sectoral policy to the standards and requirements for accession to the European Union. This is possible thanks to a new Moldovan-German technical assistance project, “Agricultural Policy Dialogue” (APD), launched today in Chisinau.

“With the support of the German government, a new Moldovan-German technical assistance project, “Agricultural Policy Dialogue” is being held in our country, in which a team of international experts will support the Ministry, the Agency for Investments and Payments in Agriculture, and the National Agency for Food Safety in bringing the policy and administrative systems in the field of agriculture, rural development, and food safety in line with EU requirements. This is a comprehensive program, which will include several new and sometimes less traditional actions aimed at stimulating and improving the efficiency of the domestic agro-industrial complex,” said Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Bolya.

According to him, the structure of the relevant ministry will be changed and modernized.

“Shortly, with the help of German partners, a new organizational structure of the ministry will be presented, which will be a huge help for us, as we need the experience of the best to succeed and reach the level of European standards. We want to meet the criteria of a European, safe and efficient ministry,” Bolya said.


“Moldova’s place is in the big EU family. Berlin will provide all the support to make this happen as fast as possible. Germany and the Republic of Moldova are linked in different ways in various fields, including economics. Germany is Moldova’s reliable partner on the way to the European Union,” German Ambassador Margret Webber emphasized.

The project’s activity is financed by the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture and realized by Berlin Economics and DLG International.

According to the Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK România), the total trade volume of the FRG with Moldova increased last year by 5.3% compared to 2022. The data is from the Federal Statistical Office of the Federal Republic of Germany Destatis. According to the data, the trade volume between the two states exceeded 871.2 million euros. Germany’s exports to Moldova amounted to 547.7 million euros, up by 2 percent, while imports amounted to 323.5 million euros, up 11.4 percent. Moldova ranks 95th in the ranking of Germany’s trade partners.