Maia Sandu, at the “Children’s Online Safety” Forum: Digitization brings huge benefits, but there can also be risks


“Digitisation brings huge benefits, but there can also be risks for the young.” This is the statement made by Moldovan President Maia Sandu at the opening of the “Children’s Online Safety” Forum, which discussed children’s safety on the internet.

“Digitisation brings huge benefits, but it also carries great risks, especially for the young. Children use the internet, and we can’t stop them, but we adults and society as a whole, need to help them understand that there can be dangers online. We can now report content with a risk of sexual abuse of children on the website. So that it can be removed from the online space,” said Maia Sandu.

She also said the European integration process means more security for all citizens, including children.

“The European Union also means a whole network of states working together to protect children better. Thank you for the support of the United States of America and the European Union. I appreciate the partnership between the Ministry of the Interior and the International Centre “La Strada,” which organized this Forum,” she said.


The International Forum “Children’s Online Safety” takes place in Chisinau, a two-day event organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) in partnership with the International Centre “La Strada Moldova,” with the support of the US Department of State and the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova. The event will be broadcast live on and RLIVE TV.

Thus, on Thursday and Friday, 15-16 February, international and national government representatives, European Commission officials, ICT industry experts, civil society, and organizations with expertise in the field will be discussed in six panels.