“For the threat to independence.” EU sanctions six people and one organization for destabilizing Moldova


The European Union has imposed sanctions against six individuals and one organization responsible for actions destabilizing the Republic of Moldova, threatening its sovereignty and independence.

Included in the list of restrictions was the People’s Shield Association, which European officials believe has made repeated attempts to undermine democratic governance, including through incitement to riots and violence.

The deputy head of the Operational Intelligence Department of Russia’s Federal Security Service, responsible for the Kremlin’s covert operations in our country, especially Transnistria, since 2016, is also sanctioned, according to the EU Council.


The EU is also sanctioning executives of media trusts that own several media channels in Moldova and promote messages of obstruction or undermining the democratic political process. The list also includes people involved in disseminating disinformation, inciting violence and fear, or linked to “Bank Fraud.”

Individuals targeted will have their assets in the EU frozen. Citizens and companies from EU member states will be banned from making funds available to them, and those sanctioned will also be “banned” from traveling to the EU.