VIDEO Breaking decision in the “Stoianoglo case”: the former Prosecutor General was acquitted by the first court


Last minute decision! The former Prosecutor General of the Republic of Moldova, Alexandr Stoianoglo, was acquitted by the first court in the case in which he was accused of exceeding his official duties. The decision was pronounced on Wednesday, February 28, by the Buiucani Court of Chisinau. The prosecutors had requested eight years in prison for Stoianoglo.

At the same time, the former head of the Human Resources Section of the Prosecutor General’s Office (PG), Maria Cobzari, was also acquitted in this case.

We recall the case in which Alexandr Stoianoglo is accused of exceeding his authority or official duties (Article 328), for which the Criminal Code provides up to 15 years imprisonment. The accusation concerns the granting of a one-off allowance of 163 thousand lei to the former head of the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organised Crime and Special Cases, Nicolae Chitoroaga, upon his departure from the system. He would not have been entitled to the money, having been prosecuted for illicit enrichment.


Alexandr Stoianoglo pleads not guilty.

A former head of human resources at the Prosecutor General’s Office, Cobzari Maria Stefan, is also accused in this case. Anticorupț wrote that he is a member of one of the court panels specialized in examining the cases of the theft of the billion formed at the suggestion of Alexandr Stoianoglo. In addition to the billion-dollar theft cases, Petru Paun has other high-profile cases.