At the request of the diaspora, the local thriller “The Power of Probability” will be screened throughout April in Italy


At the request of the Moldovan diaspora in several countries, the Moldovan local film “The Power of Probability,” directed by Ivan Naniev, starts its “international caravan.” The first destination is Italy, where the film will be screened in April. Moreover, the film’s director will travel through the country to meet his fellow citizens.

“This is an important moment because Italy is like a second home for me, as it is where I studied and lived for several years. We also have a large community of Moldovans there. That’s why we have chosen to start the tour specifically with Italy,” explained director Ivan Naniev.

“The Power of Probability,” on which the general producer of the Realitatea press group and RLIVE TV programme director Sergiu Scobioala worked, is a thriller. The action takes place in Chisinau, where, surprisingly, children start disappearing. The main character Vlad, with the help of a friend of his, a secret agent, is determined to find the missing children. During their investigation, they discover a secret that could cause a coup.

This production could be considered one of the most complex projects in the recent domestic film industry for several reasons, the main strengths being difficult stunt scenes, special effects, etc.

Among the actors who starred in the film are Valery Moon, Bogdan Bitlan, Andrei Luca, Valera Leovskii, Aurel Pintea, Vlad Blanari, as well as well-known journalists such as Dorin Scobioala, Andrei Porubin, including RLIVE TV reporter Traian Stoianov.

The premiere was on September 23, 2023, at the National Palace “Nicolae Sulac.” More details about the film can be found here.