Maia Sandu at “Empower Locals 2024: Local business goes EU”: “EU membership represents the brightest future we can offer to our generation”


Today, President Maia Sandu attended the Empower Locals 2024 event, themed “Local Businesses Go to the EU,” organized by the Alliance of Small and Medium Enterprises.

In her address to entrepreneurs, President Sandu expressed her admiration for their dedication to the projects and ideas they believe in, willingness to take risks, and courage to develop businesses and foster added value within our nation. “Small and medium-sized enterprises form the backbone of our economy. You are the driving force behind innovation and the catalyst for growth and prosperity in Moldova,” President Sandu emphasized.

The head of state underscored the ongoing efforts to foster a stronger partnership between the government and businesses. These efforts include reducing bureaucratic hurdles for businesses and advancing the deregulation and digitization of public services, thereby saving time and resources for Moldovan companies.

Moldova has been cultivating an open, free, and digital economy, positioning itself for integration into the European Union—the world’s largest market in recent years. President Sandu pledged continued support from the state and development partners for entrepreneurs on this journey. She highlighted the pivotal role played by various programs such as grants or subsidized interest loans from FACEM, 373, and other initiatives of the Entrepreneurship Development Organization, as well as the loan guarantee fund, in fostering the growth of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises. President Sandu stressed, “The success of our entrepreneurs is synonymous with the success of the Republic of Moldova.”


Concluding her address, President Sandu called on entrepreneurs to join efforts in advocating for the message that EU membership presents the best opportunity to transform Moldova into a democratic, secure, and prosperous state. “EU membership represents the brightest future we can offer to our generation and those to come,” she affirmed.