Citizens’ data is more protected. The government increases the security of data processing


The government approved the draft law on the protection of personal data, including for adjustment to European legislation in this area, at a meeting on Wednesday, 8 May. It will ensure a higher level of security when processing them.

The document establishes the legal framework for the protection of individuals in the processing of personal data. It also lays down the organization and functioning of the National Centre for Personal Data Protection (NCPDP), an institution that will monitor the implementation of the legislation.

“The new law introduces more explicitly the notion of ‘pseudonymization.’ Its application will reduce the risks for data subjects and help operators fulfill their data protection obligations more easily. To strengthen the ‘right to be forgotten’ in the online environment, the controller who has made personal data public needs to inform those who process it to delete any copies or links to it.


At the same time, the law outlines penalties for breaches. Individuals who believe somebody abuses their rights to personal data protection can file a complaint with the NCPDP within one year of the breach. According to the government bill, operators may face fines of up to 1 million lei or 1% of their companies turnover,” the government bill states.