Grosu approves Tiraspoltransgaz’s decision to open accounts in Chisinau

Tiraspoltransgaz, the company responsible for natural gas distribution in the Transnistrian region and managed by Tiraspol, has decided to enter the legal field of Moldova.

Igor Grosu says that this happened because the company understood the advantages of the free market in this sector.

The official said in the “La 360 de Grade” program that this had not happened so far because there “was not enough political will” in Chisinau.

“This is good because there is an understanding that if you want to buy gas on the free market to afford the luxury of not being tied to one supplier, you must strictly comply with Moldovan legislation,” Igor Grosu said.


The official believes that Tiraspoltransgaz did not open its accounts in Chisinau banks earlier because there was a lack of political will on the right bank of the Dniester.

“Probably, we needed more political will on the part of Chisinau to say: dear, this is not negotiable, it is not allowed here, just as business on the right bank respects this, you must respect the rules of the Republic of Moldova,” Igor Grosu also said.

The state secretary of the Energy Ministry, Constantin Boroshan, said in the “Indicator economic” program that Tiraspoltransgaz had registered with the Moldovan State Services Agency and opened bank accounts in Chisinau to carry out transactions with Vestmoldtransgaz. The operator leased the natural gas transportation system from Moldova.

Transgaz, the Romanian National Gas Transportation System operator, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development own Vestmoldtransgaz.

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