Moldova will take out a $120 million loan to repair roads and railroad tracks

The Ministry of Infrastructure will spend more than 120 million dollars to repair roads and railroad tracks. The government approved the signing of three loan agreements.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will borrow another €18.205 million to repair the railroad section Valcinet – Balti – Ungheni – Chisinau – Cainari.

“This railroad section is important for exports, imports, and transit of goods,” the ministry said in a statement.

The authorities will repair the railroad by the end of 2025.


We shall remind you that the EBRD has previously granted Moldova a €23 million loan for this project implementation. Moldova also received a €19.56 million grant through the European Neighborhood Instrument. The European Investment Bank invested €41.205 million in the project.

In addition, the government approved the signing of two more loan agreements. So, Moldova will receive $100 million from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and $5.98 million from the International Development Association. Thanks to the financial support, the authorities will modernize checkpoints, build access roads, and repair three road segments:

R13 – Ivanovka – Izvoare – Varnitsa – Okolina – M2 (length – 35 km);
Kornesti – Nové Boheny – Napadeny – M5 (length – 33 km);
R34 – Cobalakchia – Tartaul – R56 – Baimaklia – Yenikei – R37 (length – 43 km).

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