Stole an idea from a Moldovan designer? Scandal at Paris Fashion Week. The Schiaparelli brand was accused of plagiarism

Couture Fashion Week in Paris has not had time to start, but a scandal has already erupted. The reason was plagiarism, one of the most discussed topics in the fashion world. This time, the designer house Schiaparelli came under the fire of criticism.

Shortly before their show, Schiaparelli published a teaser for the couture collection, where Daniel Roseberry presented a face mask made of frozen fabric.

Attentive users immediately noticed the similarity of this product with the creation of a little-known designer from Moldova. Schiaparelli mask resembles the work of a young designer, created six months ago.


A heated debate is now raging under this post. Some defend Daniel Roseberry, claiming that geniuses think alike, while others demand justice and recognition of the source of ideas.

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