Charles Michel praises Moldova: It has remained steadfast in seeking ever-closer ties with the EU

The launch of accession negotiations between Moldova, Ukraine, and the European Union is a historic moment. The European Council President Charles Michel said it. The president of the European Council says the countries committed themselves to transformation when they decided to join the EU.

“When leaders follow the people’s will, deliver results through visionary leadership, and implement democracy, we see real progress. The EU continues to deliver results in its partnerships with Ukraine and Moldova, all the more so as Ukraine defends itself against war and Moldova faces the consequences of war,” Charles Michel said.

The EU official calls it “admirable”. Referring to the Republic of Moldova, he said our country faced challenges, including economic pressures and political intimidation, but “has remained steadfast in its pursuit of ever closer ties with the EU.”

“Both countries have demonstrated an impressive commitment to reform and alignment with European values. The transformative steps in areas such as the rule of law, governance, and judicial systems offer hope and indicate their unwavering aspiration to join the European family. The support of their societies has also been crucial along the way.


It is the beginning of a long process. Today, we celebrate a significant step forward. We must also recognize that the road ahead will require sustained effort, dedication, and further substantial reforms. Ukraine and Moldova will need to continue their work to strengthen institutions, continue the fight against corruption, and enhance economic stability to meet the rigorous standards of full EU membership,” the European Council President said.

According to Mr Michel, the European Union is ready to support Ukraine and Moldova in the accession process to provide them with the necessary resources, expertise, and political support.

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, also congratulated Moldova and Ukraine on the de facto launch of accession negotiations. In her turn, Maia Sandu sent a message of gratitude to European leaders for their support.

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