Tax Reform in Moldova! What Does the New Fiscal and Customs Policy Entail for 2025?

The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova has presented a project to amend tax and customs legislation to align with European standards and improve domestic economic conditions. The project suggests changes and additions to 13 national laws, focusing on customs administration, VAT and excise application, and abolishing certain tax and customs privileges, among other measures.

One of the most significant proposals is to increase the tax exemptions for personal income by 10% for the coming year, marking the first major adjustment since 2023-2024. Additionally, there is a proposal to adjust the taxable base for calculating property tax in 2025, which could considerably impact properties with significantly assessed values.

Another major innovation is the “stock option plan loyalty” program concept introduction for employees of resident companies. This program will enable employees to purchase or receive company stocks at discounted prices or for free, strengthening their connection with their employer’s social capital.


Regarding tax administration, the draft provides tougher penalties for companies that fail to install cashless payment terminals, with fines varying between 4,000 and 6,000 lei and new penalties for repeated non-compliance.

Among other notable measures, the government has adjusted excise rates for tobacco products and accessories, regulated the non-taxable expansion income under the Tax Code, and granted non-bank credit institutions the right to deduct provisions.

The Ministry of Finance estimates that these measures will not significantly impact budget revenues but will support business liquidity and stimulate long-term economic growth.

The Ministry of Finance and the National Commission for Consultation and Collective Negotiation have extensively consulted on the draft law, which Parliament will discuss for approval.

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