Drought hits Moldova for the third consecutive year. Slusari requests the declaration of a state of emergency in agriculture

Moldova is facing severe drought for the third consecutive year, severely impacting the agricultural sector. Alexandr Slusari, representing the Farmers’ Force, argues that declaring a state of emergency in agriculture is necessary to stabilize the situation for small, medium, and micro farmers, thereby preventing bankruptcy, according to Bani.md.

Additionally, the Farmers’ Force representative believes that the Ministry of Agriculture should abandon utopian projects such as agricultural chambers and immediate cooperation among farmers. Instead, he proposes urgently organizing a multi-day meeting at the governmental level with authorities, agricultural associations, scientific representatives, and international partners to radically rethink the strategy for developing the agri-food sector.

“Each day of delay brings us closer to a catastrophe for farmers in rural areas,” warns Slusari.


We remind you that meteorologists have announced maximum temperatures ranging between +38 and +40°C for today, July 16th.

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